Thursday, July 31, 2008

Remember to Vote on Tuesday, Aug. 5th!

Tuesday August 5th is voting day! Remember these candidates the CBBT has supported: 

Terry Ozborn, Republican candidate for Greene County Public Administrator (HBA member)

Jeff Justus, Republican candidate for state representative, 62nd district (Taney and Stone Counties)

Roseann Bentley, Greene County Commissioner up for re-election

Lyndall Fraker, republican candidate for Webster County Northern Commissioner. 

Also, the HBA board of directors endorsed the City of Springfield's 1/8 cent transportation sales tax renewal. For more information go to

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Two HBA Members Run for Office

HBA Member Terry Ozborn

Two HBA of Greater Springfield members are currently running for office in primary elections to be determined August 5th. Both of these members have received contributions from your political action committee, the Coalition for Building a Better Tomorrow.

Builder Terry Ozborn is running for Greene County Public Administrator. "The Greene County Public Administrator is the public official that we trust to protect the financial interests of the county's most vulnerable citizens," said Ozborn. People have trusted Terry for years with their family’s largest financial investments. As a builder and small business person, his financial management skills are well-established. His knowledge of real estate, investments and related legal requirements will enable him to make the best possible professional decisions relative to each individual’s needs and circumstances. Ozborn currently serves on the board of the HBA of Greater Springfield and has chaired a number of committees for the organization including the health insurance task force. He was voted Springfield’s best builder in 2000 by readers of the Springfield News-Leader. You can email Terry by clicking here.

Member Jeff Justus, president of L&J Plumbing, is running for state representative in the 62nd district which encompasses Stone and Taney counties. A life-long resident of the area, Jeff has served the community in many ways: Table Rock Chamber of Commerce board of directors chairman, a long time member of the Branson Advisory Park Board, a trustee on the Skaggs Hospital Board, and an honorary coach of the College of the Ozarks NAIA Division II Men’s National Championship Tournament. For more information about Jeff's positions on the issues and experience, you can visit his campaign website by clicking here. highlight this and paste remainder of article here

Monday, July 14, 2008

HBA Board Endorses 1/8-cent Transportation Sales Tax Renewal

On August 5, Springfield voters will consider extending the City’s 1/8-cent transportation sales tax for another four years to continue making much-needed local road improvements. The HBA's Board of Directors voted to endorse the issue. Strong transportation infrastructure is critical for the continued growth and development of our region. Passage of this ballot measure would result in numerous benefits including:

Improved Traffic Flow and Time Savings
Projects such as the widening of US 65 to six lanes from Chestnut Expressway to Battlefield Road and interchange improvements at I-44 and Kansas Expressway will reduce congestion, save time, and significantly improve traffic flow.

Increased Safety
Revenue from this tax would allow for design and construction of critical intersection improvements that would enhance safety at some of the city’s most dangerous intersections. Two such examples are the proposed addition of north-south lanes on Campbell Avenue under the James River Freeway, and off-ramp intersection improvements to the National Avenue corridor near CoxHealth.

Environmental Stewardship
Enhanced bicycle, pedestrian, and transit lanes will further address the need for alternative transportation modes. Specifically, the proposal includes new overpasses and sidewalks that will connect pedestrians and cyclists to various transit stops. Additionally, longer turn lanes, such as those planned for the intersection of Battlefield and Glenstone, will result in reduced idle time, reduced fuel consumption, and reduced emissions.

Cost Savings
Once completed, the proposed projects would improve the overall traffic flow and would ultimately mean passengers are able to travel more efficiently, saving both time and money with reduced fuel consumption.

Together, these benefits work to improve economic development in the region, and ensure the Springfield metro area has a strong transportation infrastructure that keeps up with the region’s continued growth.

As in the past, this renewal of the City’s transportation sales tax was crafted in partnership with the Missouri Department of Transportation and Greene County so the combination of City, County and State funds will accelerate construction on these high-priority projects.

This sales tax was first approved by voters in 1996, and has repeatedly received strong support. Funds from the tax have totaled $50 million in local funding, and have leveraged transportation investments of more than $100 million. The program has resulted in improvements to dozens of roads and intersections in Springfield. This ballot proposal will allow those improvements to continue, without a tax increase. For a complete list of past projects funded by this tax, visit